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CLI-mbing to sucess
Building CLI apps in rust


I’ve been wanting to build a real world application in Rust, and a simple CLI tool came to mind. To make it fun, I settled on a MyAnimeList client.

My goal was the following

  • Understand how to create CLI apps
  • The details about publishing a cargo crate
  • And everything else in between

You can find my project, mal-cli. I found a few takeaways while doing this.

Parsing CLI arguments in Rust

The first step is parsing the CLI arguments. Rust has a handy little library, clap. You can define the CLI arguments as a struct, for example -

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
struct Args {
	command: Commands,

#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
enum Commands {
	List {
		// Numer of anime to show in list
		num: Option<i32>,
	Season {
		// Get seasonal anime
		season: Option<String>,
		year: Option<i32>,

Args defines the structure of our CLI commands. Here, we have a single entry, command, which in turn will contain different subcommands.

#[clap(subcommand)] tells the parser that the enum contains the various subcommands. Without it, clap would not know how to parse the CLI. Similar case for #[derive(SubCommand)]. Here’s an image of the compiler error without the macros.


The subcommands are defined as enums, which themselves contains additional parameters. For example

mal-cli list 10

lists the 10 anime in your list. Note that you do not need to provide the num argument name.

num is also an Optional<i32> type. So providing it is not necessary. If you wanted to explicitly state the argument name, that’s where #[clap(long)] macro comes in.

mal-cli season --season=fall --year=2023

You can use #[clap(short)] if you wanted to do -s as a shorthand instead.

Handling data sources

Handling JSON data was a bit tricky. In Python, using the request library, you can simply do a response.json() to load JSON.

That’s easy to do when you don’t have to worry about types! In Rust, for JSON deserialization, we have the serde_json crate. It handles JSON by returning a Value object.

This object could by of a variety of types! A String, Array, Bool, Number (& more). The idea is that you need to explicitly handle parsing a JSON attribute.

For example, if the returned value is

  "node": 10

Then we would handle it like so -

let object = serde_json::from_str(json_text);
let node_value = object.get("node").unwrap().as_i64().unwrap();

That’s a lot of unwraps()! And things get messy with more complex and nested JSONs. Thankfully, there’s a way to provide a struct and get it automatically deserialized with the #[derive(Deserialize)] trait.

pub struct AnimeList {
	id: i64,
	title: String,
	status: String,
	finish_date: String,

// json_text needs to be in the same format as the struct.
let anime_list: AnimeList = serde_json::from_str(json_text);

It generates the types at compile time and compares it against the JSON you are trying to parse.

Interactive outputs

Finally, to make the CLI more interesting to use, I opted for the inquire crate. It provides a minimal interactive UI to the user, with the ability to choose options, enter dates and ask questions.

Under the hood, it (kinda) uses crossterm, with which you can manipulate the CLI to your hearts content. Think background color, cursor position.

The other stuff

I also published the mal-cli as a cargo crate. This was really easy to do

cargo publish

I had to deal with OAuth in getting an access_token so that I can use the API. I might write about this later, but you can create your own mini local server with the tiny_http crate, and parse incoming requests

let server = Server::http("").unwrap();
for rq in server.incoming_requests() {


You can also set environment variables using the std::env import. But this only sets the variable value for the lifetime of the program, so you might need other way to cache data.

Thanks for reading! Want to read more like this? Read Sync or Swim
Source code for my website here.